THE DIPLOMAT BUCHAREST & OUTSOURCING TODAY organized the sixth edition of the ROMANIAN BUSINESS SERVICES FORUM & AWARDS 2020 on July 15 at Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest.
The Awards Gala, now in its sixth edition, is an elite event and a platform to recognize, reward and celebrate the success of the most prominent companies, projects and individuals acting in the business shared services field in Romania. Based on rigorously researched information and a Judging Panel formed of prominent names in business, the Gala Awards established itself as a must-attend in your Romanian Gala Awards event calendar.
During the Romanian Business Services Forum & Awards 2020, our company was honored and awarded in a high-end event. We won the 1st place in the Business Services company of the year (less than 800 employees category). Laura Gavrilă, our Special Projects Coordinator was present at the ceremony to represent DTSE Romania & receive the award.
This award recognizes all aspects of business management excellence, such as financial and operational performance, depth and breadth of services, client and employee growth, company leadership, as well as social responsibility.
We are incredibly proud & honored to win this award, which recognizes our hard work, innovation, and growth. We are lucky to have amazing people in the Magenta Team, who are making things happen. Our colleagues are professionals with a great vision for DTSE Romania, are truly committed to their jobs, and are contributing to the digitalization of our business. All our colleagues deserve a big “thank you” for everything they are doing in the company, especially during these hard times. Working from home and keeping all our services running at a high quality is remarkable.
Together, #wemakeithappen!