Social distancing and working from home didn’t keep us away from organizing our Health Week. We dedicated a whole week, from the 12th until the 16th of October, to health and wellbeing but in an updated version: everything happened online with the help of our long-term partners, Wellington Corporate Business.
As a tribute to our very first Health Week last year, we decided to keep the hashtags and the famous Ditchi faces and we build every webinar, pre-registered video, and online workshop around them. Here is everything we did during the 2020 Online Health Week:
#MindfulMonday: the first day of a new week can be sometimes a struggle, unless we’re talking about a Heath-Week-type-of Monday. We prepared a pre-recorded video for our colleagues to find out more about healthy habits for the mind, followed by a guided meditation session. The day ended with a live webinar about the neuroscience of emotions and types of emotional intelligence.
#TastyTuesday: healthy should mean tasty and delicious too! Our colleagues participated in a really interesting online webinar about nutrition and lifestyle in emergency situations, like the Covid-19 crisis. It’s important to boost our immune system by consuming yogurts, ginger, blueberries, fish or garlic. Drinking more hot beverages, like tea, during the cold season can also strengthen your immune system.
#WellnessWednesday: it’s more than welcomed to have a wellness day in the middle of the week, right? Our colleagues learned more about cervical auto-massage from pre-recorded videos, which included some great stretching exercises as well.
#ThankfulThursday: Communication and empathy are one of the key ingredients of every relationship. This time, we used the online communication to improve the offline one, so we organized for our colleagues the “How to bring empathy in your communication with your loved ones” webinar.
#FunnyFriday: a Friday well spent means the entire weekend will be great. We know that this is a difficult period for our colleagues who are also parents, so therefore we organized a creative and funny painting techniques online workshop for them. Later, our colleagues participated in a creative recycling workshop, where they learned who to reuse different items to create amazing home décor.

All in all, it was another great Health Week, with many interesting activities and valuable information.