During the Romanian Business Services Forum & Awards 2019 our company was honored and awarded in a high-end event. Managing Director, Mădălin Popescu, was there to represent us and receive the award.
This award recognizes all aspects of business management excellence, such as financial and operational performance, depth and breadth of services, client and employee growth, company leadership, as well as social responsibility. Therefore, it comes as a deserved reward for our hard-work, growth and innovation.
To mention just a few of our achievements in terms of operational performance: In 2018 our target KPI’s were overachieved by 14 percent – 20 percent. We accomplished this achievement by taking over repetitive, time-consuming activities from our bots, such as importing data from an Excel file into an SAP system. We also contribute to digitization of our business with these bots are involved in all kinds of processes, starting with documents used by HR and finishing with complex data processing within our systems.
As a main program for automation we use BluePrism. We assure the entire process automation, starting with process analysis, implementation, testing and making our bots fully operational. Until now, we have eight operational bots, which are working side by side with us, and many more in development or analysis stages. All bots are developed in house by our teams. In total, our bots increase our efficiency by 17 percent. We are not stopping here, however. We are working towards the first prize next year or in the words of our Managing Director: ”We never back down from a challenge!”